welcome to:

            LIFE AND LAMB !!

We are located in the gently rolling hills of northern Giles County which is in southern, middle Tennessee - about 20 minutes from Exit 22 off of I65 South.

We raise Registered Purebred and Fullblood Dorper sheep

We started with just a few ewes 10 or so years ago so we would have a readily available supply of fresh lamb for ourselves & our flock grew from there.

We were certified with the State of Tennessee as a "Master Producer" in 2008.

We like the Dorpers because they seem to have better meat qualities than the other haired breeds.  They are reported to have better loin areas (think lamb chops, here!).  The meat has a wonderful flavor and the lambs we have processed have had a good yield.

You can reach us one of the following ways:

Phone - 931-424-3043

Email - ewe2@lifeandlamb.com